• The (ISC)² Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) certification has earned a place in a list of 10 IT certifications with the most increased value over the past year. Researcher Foote Partners collected compensation data from more than 3,300 employers in the U.S. and Canada to compile the list as part of its 2020 IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index report. The index calculates certification value based on the percentage of salary that accounts for a certification. CSSLP holders earn 13% on top of their base salary, according to the research. The index gives holders – or those planning to earn the certification – information based on actual market value about how much a certification is truly worth. Its place

    Sep 03,
  • Alert fatigue, password change resistance, and poor cyberhygiene are just a few of the challenges that security specialists face. Human beings do not like being forced into habits, even when it is for their own well-being or that of the organization they work for. It’s a quirk of human nature that we have a hard time contemplating abstract notions of danger, especially when it’s introduced to us by others. Humans are guided in part by instinct and reflex. So if we cannot perceive danger through our physical senses, then we cannot process it accurately. When it comes to cyberhygiene activities, the threat we seek to avert seems invisible or inconsequential... Here’s a look inside the psychology behind it. Read the

    Sep 02,