• Many developing countries lack the resources to secure valuable information and data effectively. To strengthen cyber defenses in these economies, additional cybersecurity professionals are needed – with the right skills and knowledge – to defend critical assets.   Understanding the challenge and wanting to improve the global cybersecurity ecosystem, today (ISC)² and Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate and leverage the expertise of our organization, as well as KISA, to nurture the global cybersecurity workforce. The collaboration will expand cybersecurity professional education and training by providing professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to begin and advance their cybersecurity careers, fostering stronger national security defenses.   The commitment is part of a KISA workforce development initiative

    Oct 19,
  • The UK Cyber Security Council, the self-regulatory body for the UK's cyber security profession, today announced the commencement of a pilot project to award professional standards titles to cybersecurity professionals, up to Chartered status. (ISC)² is one of two bodies, along with CIISec, that has been selected by the Council to assess applications from cybersecurity professionals to be placed on the register and to be awarded one of three professional title levels. For (ISC)² members, it means we will be able to process member applications and determine on the Council’s behalf which of the three professional titles the member is eligible for based on experience, professional background, certifications and other industry qualifications. The three professional titles aligned to the Council’s

    Oct 19,
  • With the ongoing threat of data breaches and cyberattacks in our increasingly connected world, organizations everywhere need professionals to protect their operations, data and critical assets. Yet talent to fill these vital roles is scarce. Near limitless job opportunities in cybersecurity are wide open to problem-solvers with an analytical mindset. How can you break into cybersecurity? Working cybersecurity professionals agree, certification is the most important way for career pursuers to enter the field. But with so many cybersecurity certifications out there, how do you choose the one that will help you break into the field and help lead you to long-term career success? Let’s compare two entry-level options: (ISC)2 Certified in CybersecuritySM and CompTIA Security+. What level of professional experience

    Oct 18,
  • A common theme that permeates (ISC)² Security Congress each year is the need to work collaboratively against cyber adversaries. This year was no different, as speaker after speaker during the event in Last Vegas stressed the importance of collaboration, information-sharing and teamwork. The theme emerged early on, as (ISC)² CEO Clar Rosso made her opening remarks. Referring to the cybersecurity workforce shortage, which now stands at 3.4 million vacant positions, Clar called for a new way of thinking to build cybersecurity teams. “And it starts with you,” she asserted “It starts with this community coming together. We can close this workforce gap. It's not going to be easy, but it will be well worth it. And we have to work collaboratively.

    Oct 17,
  • A new world order is taking shape as private enterprise, in the form of technology companies, start playin a decisive role in geopolitical events, said Ian Bremmer, the president and founder of Eurasia Group. Speaking to an audience gathered in Las Vegas for the 2022 (ISC)² Security Congress, Bremmer posited that in the not-too-distant future technology companies may supplant governments in making decisions because they control the digital world. “What if governments start fundamentally failing in being able to deliver the kinds of security that are required for their people,” Bremmer said. A window into the role of private enterprise in geopolitical events has already opened. Bremmer said Microsoft was behind only the United States and United Kingdom in providing

    Oct 13,