
Going for (ISC)² Certification? Get the facts before you choose a training provider.

May 23, 2019

Myths-1200x628-V1 Whether you’re going for CISSP, SSCP, CCSP or another elite (ISC)² certification, the training route is an excellent way to prepare. (ISC)² certifications are highly regarded in the cybersecurity industry, and countless training companies offer exam prep for them. With so many options, it can be unnecessarily hard to make the right choice.

Often, we think the more choices we have, the better. But too many cybersecurity training options have created confusion and led to false claims that border on unethical as companies compete for your business. When it comes to assertions trainer providers make about their courses for our certifications, there seems to be more fiction than facts out there…

Before you put your trust in a cybersecurity training provider, you owe it to yourself to get the truth. In 6 Training Myths Exposed , we’ve broken down common misconceptions about everything from pass-rate claims and pass guarantees, to instructors, exam content and exam vouchers.

Don’t fall for training myths. Know the facts .

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