
Call for Nominations 2017

Dear ISC2-NCR Colleagues,

We’ve had an extraordinary 2016 so far at ISC2-NCR Chapter. Our membership increased by 50%; we’ve sponsored speakers and socialized at five Chapter meetings; we’ve completed much of the development of a new and improved website and we preserved our federal non-profit status in an IRS audit!

Our Bylaws require that we follow a documented procedure for electing all ISC2-NCR BoD officers for our 2017 election. Major points include:

  1. All BoD officers shall be ISC2-NCR members in good standing, and shall serve a term of one year.
  2. All BoD officers shall be elected by the members in good standing at our December Member meeting.
  3. A member in good standing may nominate himself or another member for any of the officer positions.

Our President has appointed Winn Gaynor (Chapter VP and Treasurer) and Kyle Hendrickson (Membership Chair) to serve on the Election Committee. This committee will work with the Communications Chair reply to coordinate this year’s Chapter elections.

To initiate this process, please reply to this email to indicate your nominations for any or all of the offices by October 31. Please nominate only one member to each position. You may self-nominate.

For reference, our 2016 BoD is identified here:

There will be more to come as we step through the election process.

Thank you for your membership this year, and looking forward to a productive 2017 at ISC2-NCR!