
In Case You Missed It: Recapping Security Congress 2019

Dec 23, 2019

Congress tradeshow Security Congress 2019 was our largest and most in-depth cybersecurity education conference to date. Held over the course of three days in October, the event was jam-packed with more than 180 sessions (covering 18 tracks), over 200 speakers and headline-worthy keynote speakers.

There was a 32% increase in overall registration from the previous year and 58% of all attendees were attending (ISC)2 Security Congress for the very first time. Attendees from more than 50 different countries came together to network and learn from their colleagues in the cybersecurity field.

In addition to learning about such topics as Cloud Security, Cyber Crime, Governance, Risk and Compliance and other industry-related tracks, attendees heard from keynote speakers:

In an effort to advance the industry with the next generation and fill an employment gap of 4 million worldwide , almost 200 students attended Security Congress as part of the inaugural Student Experience program, which provided them with designated content, career resources, networking opportunities and mentorship sessions.  

Nearly 1,300 attendees participated in the fundraising Comedy Night and/or the 5k Fun Run benefiting the Center for Cyber Safety and Education . While in Orlando, many of our attendees volunteered to teach 6,572 elementary students at 57 schools how to use the internet in a safe and secure way during the Center’s Cyber Safety Day Orlando.

After attending this year, a whopping 91% of attendees are already considering attending Security Congress 2020. If you weren’t one of the more than 2,600 attendees who received a potential of 44 total CPEs for attending, we hope you plan to join us next year. Be on the lookout for a registration announcement in early 2020.