
The Best Way to Start Your Cloud Security Career

Nov 23, 2021

Start_Cyber-Career Where do you begin your journey in InfoSec? What do you need to study? How do you even get started in a vast field with so many areas, and so many opportunities? These questions often haunt a new InfoSec candidate, sometimes causing them to freeze, doing nothing for fear of taking the wrong path.

Everywhere you look, it is apparent that cloud computing is not only the future of Information Security, it is happening right now. If you are asking the question of where to begin, there is no better place to look than cloud security. Along with that, while there are vendor-specific certifications that can help you, a vendor-neutral certification will always be beneficial as a starting point towards a rewarding career.

We interviewed 50 of our (ISC)² members who hold the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) designation. They offered valuable insights into how they studied for the exam, and how the CCSP credential not only improved their knowledge, but also help advance their careers.

Read the full article here and sign up for our webinar to hear why the CCSP designation is the right choice to start you on the path to achieving your career goals.

Read more in our full article.

Want to learn more about CCSP?

To learn more about how the CCSP credential can help you gain expertise and advance your career, download our white paper Cloud Security Skills Can Take Your Career to Infinity (And Beyond).